vendredi 23 mai 2008

My theme is violence against women. I chose this theme because it's an actually subject and there are lots of women who are beaten, for example in Europe 25% of women experience domestics violence. I think it’s a subject which we must talk because it must denounce because many women died because of this. Or many women are traumatized for life.

In the diary 63, a girl talks about his violent boyfriend. She shows a real problem, because although his boy friend hit her. She stays with him. She say they need each other. Because she need security and he need someone to release him.

vendredi 8 février 2008

1. Why did Ms Gruwell have the Freedom Writers study the Holocaust and meet Holocaust survivors?

She wants show them the horror of discrimination. The history of Holocaust shows that racism becomes too universal, he kill too much people. She wants show them that thier gangs of racism will become like the holocaust if they contiune the violence. The holocaust survivors shows the Hope, even in the horror of the war.

2. How did the Freedom Writers relate to Anne Frank? Give examples.

Anne Frank was bold, and one of the freedom writers says that she is his hero. The Freedom Writers say she had many things in common with them. She saw her friends die, she was a victim of discrimination like them. She had the seem age.

3. In what way Zlata Filipovic impacted the students’ lives? Give examples from several writers. What really surprised the Freedom writers?

Zlata had the seem age, she saw her friends die too. And she lived in Sarajevo where the war began. In the street, there were three gangs who fought. The Freedom Writers campared these three gangs with the gangs of Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians who are in America. The Freedom Writers were very surprised by Zlata because she looked like them. She even wore the same shoes as one of the Freedom Writers.

4.In diary 47, the writer says: ”Now if you ask me what race I am, like Zlata, I’ll simply say, “I’m a human being.””
How could you explain that quote? Do you relate to it?

Zlata tells this when somebody asks her what ethnicity she is. She answers she is human. I think this quote are the true. Races don't exist, we are all the same.

mercredi 10 octobre 2007

Geneva is a city with 450 000 inhabitants. It is the second city of Switzerland. In my city, there is an airport. Geneva is by the lake « Leman » where there are several small harbors, and the famous « fountain ». There are eight districts: Servette, Pâquis, Saint-Gervais, Sain-Jean, Jonction, Eaux-vives, Champel and Plainpalais. Most of the buildings in Geneva are made out of concrete, and there are more old buildings than new ones. There are a lot of parks with many trees and greenery. Near the lake there are banks. These banks are very nice and I like going for a walk in summer, because over there a store sells the best ice-creams in Geneva.

I live in the Jonction district near the Plainpalais district, in a building. I think that my district is a family district,because there are a lot of families. My building is in a group of similar buildings.They all have seven floors. Behind my group of buildings there is a park and a university, a little further behind there is a river: « l'Arve ». On the ground floor of my building there is a chemist and a pizzeria. In front of my building there is a boulevard, with other old buildings. In my street there are a lot of popular bars where students hang out. My district is noisy because there is a fire station, and a lot of traffic.

I live with my parents and my three brothers in a apartment on the seventh floor. My apartment has two floors. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. I share my bedroom with my first brother,and the twins have a bedroom for themselves. My parents have a bedroom for themselves too. In my bedroom there are two beds, a large bookcase in a corner, two desks and my brother has a computer on his desk. Upstairs in a small hall there are two computers for the all family. Downstairs there is a living room, a kitchen and a toilet. We eat in the kitchen; generally we eat some European food. In my living room there is a table, a big bookcase, a piano, six poufs and two computers, where we can go on the Internet. We haven't got a television, but we have a « screen » to see movies or series on DVDs.

During the week, I get up at 6.45 o'clock. I go to school with friends on foot, I need twenty minutes to go to school. At midday, I go back home for lunch, and in the afternoon I go back to school. In the evening I do my homework, and I go on the Internet. On Saturday, I generally go out with my friends, sometimes we go to the Geneva old town , because there are a lots of stores, and I like shopping. On Sunday I stay with my family, and we do something together/ we spend time together.

dimanche 9 septembre 2007

My presentation

My name is Johanna. I'm sixteen years old. I was born in Geneva and I come from Switzerland. I live with my family, I have three brothers.
My two younger brothers are twins, their names are Florentin and Nathanël. My old brother is Maximilien, he is in fourth grade in highschool, and the twins are in ninth grade in middle school. My father is a teacher and my mother is a housewife.

I'm in second grade of highschool, and I hope to have good grade, but I don't know what I want to be in the future. I think however to be a teacher.

I like Italian food, and French food. I play flute, I like go out with my friends, go on the internet, go to the swimming pool with my friends too, listen music.

★ be happy ★