dimanche 9 septembre 2007

My presentation

My name is Johanna. I'm sixteen years old. I was born in Geneva and I come from Switzerland. I live with my family, I have three brothers.
My two younger brothers are twins, their names are Florentin and Nathanël. My old brother is Maximilien, he is in fourth grade in highschool, and the twins are in ninth grade in middle school. My father is a teacher and my mother is a housewife.

I'm in second grade of highschool, and I hope to have good grade, but I don't know what I want to be in the future. I think however to be a teacher.

I like Italian food, and French food. I play flute, I like go out with my friends, go on the internet, go to the swimming pool with my friends too, listen music.

★ be happy ★

3 commentaires:

Ora Knowell a.k.a Dannisha a dit…

Hello again Johanna, Its me Dannisha again jus stoppin buy to say hello in to see how well i wrote u in i still have got a respond from u yet so ju hit me in let me know whats going on in your life i really wont to know more about you in things like that you know talk about girl things in talk about boys in things like that.

Felix a dit…

Hi, my name is Felix. I live in Oakland, California. I'm turning 18 years old in 10 more days. I go to a community college called, Laney College. I have 3 sister, my mom, father, and me. Total of 6 people. It's interesting to me that, your brother is in 4 grade and he's in High School. What I mean is that, I'm interested in your grading system because if i was in the fourth grade, I'll be in Elementary school. Cool, you could swim. I can't. I'm hoping to learn soon. Ok, bye.

Anonyme a dit…

Landed on this web blog by chance.
The name sounded familiar.

Anyway I would like to meet you soon =)

From someone in Geneva whom you have met recently and who thinks he has a crush for you.